What’s New in XPath 2.0Originally published on
What’s New in XSLT 2.0 (UPDATED)
Originally published on
Lightweight XML Editing in Word 2003
Originally published on the O’Reilly Network
Position papers
XQuery: Reinventing the Wheel?Written in 2001. An impassioned plea addressed to the W3C.
Cocoon and 4Suite for Content Management: The Best of Both Worlds at Seattle University School of Law
Jointly presented with Uche Ogbuji at XML Europe 2003. Describes a custom content management system built for Seattle University School of Law.
TransQuery: XSLT as a Query Language
Book chapters

Chapter 3 from XSLT 1.0 Pocket Reference. Take a few moments to master the concepts explained here. XSLT is simpler than you think!

Excerpt from a chapter written for Advanced XML Applications from the Experts at The XML Guild.
Namespaces in XSLT
Comprehensive coverage of XSLT 1.0 and XSLT 2.0's features for processing and constructing namespaces.

Chapter 2 from Office 2003 XML. Introduces WordML, Microsoft’s XML representation for Word 2003 documents. Since then, Word 2007 has been released and the packaging has changed, but the lower-level details described in this chapter have largely stayed the same.
XML-to-string converter (an XML serializer implemented in XSLT)
Namespace prefix normalizer
(implemented in XSLT)
Slide presentations
A Developer's Introduction to XBRL (PowerPoint)Presented at XML-in-Practice 2009
From DocBook to Wikipedia: An XML Publishing Case Study (pdf)
Presented at XML-in-Practice 2008
XML-based Web Publishing and Content Management at Seattle University School of Law (OpenOffice | PowerPoint)
Presented at CALI 2003 Conference for Law School Computing
XSLT as a Query Language
Presented at XSLT-UK 2001
SML and Ockham's Razor: Too Close a Shave?
Presented at XTech 2000